2007年10月7日 星期日
因為, 總覺得喝水籠頭下的水感覺怪怪的...
變得喜歡, 習慣, 以咖啡當水喝
反正很累很累時, 一樣睡得著
每天7,8點起床, 晚上12:00左右才上床睡覺
美國的咖啡, 種類好多好多
應該說, 調味的選擇很多, 不像台灣很單純:
reguler, espresso, latte, mocha, macchiato, hot chocolate
在美國, 不只cafe的選擇較多, 連賣場賣的三合一咖啡總類也多
較popular的favor有vanilla, hazelnut, caramel, blackbarry, bluebarry, coconut....等等
mocha還有white mocha
(我不喜歡原味咖啡, 所以很愛調味的...呵)
在美國的工作之一, 就是做咖啡
一開始, 每天都會嘗試各種favor
到後來, 開始嘗試客人點的怪咖組合
例如: regular coffee+chocolate+hazelnut
anyway, 重點是, 讓我想學做咖啡
so, 這幾天查了Starbucks... 無意間又回到之前看過的主題:「公平貿易」
... 轉身查看在美國買的三合一咖啡粉
還包括其他第三國生產的作物, 例如茶, 巧克力等等
那麼, 喜歡喝咖啡, 到底對不對
台灣, 感覺並沒有推動「公平貿易」的味道?
2007年9月28日 星期五
2007年9月23日 星期日
2007年9月12日 星期三
mainly sells souvenirs, and food
the other company, Xanterra, focus on hotel
their employees earns triple times of our salary.....
such a high pay.... they can really take back the money they spent to come here
and besides, earn extra money
2007年9月11日 星期二
by one's benefit, by one's convinience, by one's economic status...
not for others...
lately, i finally convince myselft that
"bread" is much important than any other things
many times, being selfish is a way to protect oneself
from getting depression and regret...
maybe, i should not come to America
i should work hard for my own future in Taiwan
however, everything seems to be too late
i have wasted much time...
but it's still a impressive vacation for me
any way, i finally understand that...
i won't belong to others...
from now on, i am trying to take my heart back from someone
in the future, i am only belong to my family and myself
which is my only support and home of my heart
this is what this 2-1/2 month trip teach me
love or affection is such a foolish feeling
2007年9月9日 星期日
2007年9月8日 星期六
USA Flight
i continued searching the flight on the internet lately
and when the date gets close to my departure date
the available flights become fewer and much expensive > <
i am not aware of this situation until yesterday!!!
i always hesitate... such a bad habit...
anyway, i successfully booked my round-trip flight last night
although it's expensive than i think...
besides, i have learned one thing..
if i book USA domestic flight 14 days earlier than the departure date
i can directly connect to the airline official website to book the plane
or i have to book the ticket through the 3rd wetsite
such as "cheapticket.com" or "orbiz.com"
they will charge a fee
besides, they couldn't accept my address in Taiwan when i tried to book the flight yesterday...
but Delta.com can accept it!!
the flight will charge a "trip protection" fee
the price is 13.5 on Delta.com
but 14.99 on cheaptickets.com
i don't know the reason now~~
maybe it earns the difference from it
2007年9月6日 星期四
2007 Badminton
1月16日-21日 马来西亚羽毛球超级赛 马来西亚,吉隆坡 二级 20万美元
1月23日-28日 韩国羽毛球超级赛韩国,首尔 二级 30万美元
2月27日-4日 德国羽毛球公开赛德国,米尔海姆 三级 8万美元
3月6日-11日 全英羽毛球超级赛英国,伯明翰 二级 20万美元
3月13日-18日 瑞士羽毛球超级赛 瑞士,巴塞尔 二级 20万美元
4月10日-15日 亚洲羽毛球锦标赛 三级
5月1日-6日 新加坡羽毛球超级赛 新加坡 二级 20万美元
5月8日-13日 印尼羽毛球超级赛 印尼,雅加达 二级 25万美元
6月10日-17日 第十届苏迪曼杯混合团体赛 苏格兰,格拉斯哥一级
7月3日-8日 泰国羽毛球公开赛 泰国,曼谷 三级5万美元
7月10日-15日 中国羽毛球超级赛第1站 中国 二级2 5万美元
7月24日-29日 菲律宾 羽毛球公开赛 菲律宾,马尼拉 三级
8月12日-19日 第16届世界羽毛球锦标赛 马来西亚,吉隆坡 一级
8月28日-2日 美国羽毛球公开赛 美国 三B级 5万美元
9月11日-16日 日本羽毛球超级赛日本,东京 二级 20万美元
9月18日-23日 台北羽毛球公开赛中国,台北 三级 20万美元
9月25日-30日 新西兰羽毛球公开赛新西兰,奥克兰 三级 5万美元
10月2日-7日 澳门羽毛球公开赛中国,澳门 三A级
10月10日-14日 奥运会羽毛球测试赛中国,北京
10月16日-21日 荷兰羽毛球公开赛 荷兰 三级 5万美元
10月16日-21日 丹麦羽毛球超级赛 丹麦,奥登塞 二级 20万美元
10月30日-4日 法国羽毛球超级赛 法国 二级 20万美元
11月1日-11日 世界青年羽毛球锦标赛 新西兰,奥克兰
11月6日-11日 越南羽毛球公开赛 越南 三B级 5万美元
11月20日-25日 中国羽毛球超级赛第2站中国,广州 二级 25万美元
11月27日-2日 香港羽毛球超级赛 中国,香港 二级 20万美元
12月12日-16日 印度羽毛球公开赛 印度 三级
12月18日-23日 羽毛球超级赛总决赛 待定 二级 待定
2007年9月5日 星期三
Art Deco
Art Deco 的特色就是大量運用了鯊魚紋、斑馬紋、曲折鋸齒圖形、階梯圖形、粗體與彎曲的曲線、放射狀圖樣等等來裝飾,是現代藝術、設計上的一種運動與風格。
Art Deco 雖然是現代裝飾藝術上的一種運動,但同時也影響了建築等許多其他方面。這個運動的名詞是起自1925年在巴黎舉辦的第一屆”藝術裝飾與現代工業博覽會” (the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes),但是 Art Deco 並不是由這個展覽起源的,它其實是1920年代早期就在歐洲流行的一種風格,受到了非洲、埃及、墨西哥印地第人原始藝術、維也納工業組織運動早期作品、里昂巴克斯特(Leon Bakst)替俄國芭蕾舞團團長狄亞基列夫(Sergei Diaghilev)的芭蕾舞劇所做的舞台背景與服裝設計、立體派 (Cubism)、未來派 (Futurism)、新古典主義 (Neoclassicism)、爵士風格藝術等等許多藝術風格的影響。
Art Deco要等到1928年至1930年代才在英、美風行,到了1960年代又再一次的流行起來。Art Deco 也普遍被認為是現代主義(Modernism)早期的一種形式。
2007年8月29日 星期三
last two weeks are Grand Teton Music Festival!!!
i knew that just today!!!
and my favorite music was performed at the closing concerts !!!
RACHMANINOFF: Piano Concerto No. 2
why i don't know the information until today QQ
why why why.......
i just get the chance to go to Jackson Hole tomorrow...
but it's too late.... i cann't hear any concert tomorrow.....
why i am so unlucky....
Carlos Kalmar, conductor
Andrew Von Oeyen, piano
MUSSORGSKY: Khovantchina Prelude
RACHMANINOFF: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18
DVORAK: Symphony No. 7 in D minor, Op. 70
2007年8月27日 星期一
some words
- (優良品牌的)葡萄酒
- This piece of music is vintage Bach
- The wine is of 1909 vintage
ground coffee
2007年8月26日 星期日
Grand Pristmatic Spring
first we went ot West Yellowstone to buy something
there we stepped on our trip!!
we drove along the road from Madison to Old Faithful
they drove Firehole Canyon Drive for showing me the beautiful firehole river
and there was a swimming area along the river
where were so many people there!!!
and them we drove the Firehole Lake Drive
there are many hot spring along the road
and in the end of the road was the Firehold Lake
it's a hot spring i guess, it keeped steaming!!!
and the wind was so big, all the steam came to us, made us feel so warm!!!
the lake was so beautiful and big!!!
and the next destination is the place which i want to see most in Yellowstone
Grand Pristmatic Spring

it located at Midway Geyser Basin
there are 3 geysers here, but this one is one i like most
why i like it most??
because i just saw the picture in Taiwan there years ago
there was a photographer traveling the world and took pictures from the high attitude
he ones had an exhibition along the love river in Kaohsiung
and there was the time i met this spring
it was just like a rainbow, the color is so charming... attractive to me
it made a deep impression to me
and yesterday.... i finally saw it live....
from: Wiki
It's the largest hot spring in United States, and the 3rd largest in the world
The vivid colors in the spring are the result of pigmented bacteria in the microbial mats that grow around the edges of the mineral-rich water. The bacteria produce colors ranging from green to red; the amount of color in the microbial mats depends on the ratio of chlorophyll to carotenoids. In the summer, the mats tend to be orange and red, whereas in the winter the mats are usually dark green.[5] The center of the pool is sterile due to extreme heat.
The deep blue color of the water in the center of the pool results from a light-absorbing overtone of the hydroxy stretch of water [6]. Though this effect is responsible for making all large bodies of water blue, it is particularly intense in Grand Prismatic Spring because of the high purity and depth of the water in the middle of the spring.
[physical structure]
The spring is approximately 250 by 300 feet (75 by 91 m) in size and is 160 feet (49 meters) deep. The spring discharges an estimated 560 gallons (2000 litres) of 160°F (71°C) water per minute.[7]
from: Life at high temperatures
What Makes the Colors?
The colors of the Yellowstone thermal features are justly famous. They were first mentioned by Osborne Russell, a trapper who spent the years 1834-1843 in the Yellowstone region. Viewing what is now called Grand Prismatic Spring, Russell noted: "The steam which arose from it was of three distinct colors. From the West side for one third of the diameter it was white, in the middle it was pale red, and the remaining third on the East light sky blue. Whether it was something peculiar in the state of the atmosphere.. or whether it was some chemical properties contained in the water... I am unable to say and shall leave the explanation to some scientific tourist who may...visit this place in the future."
What causes these colors? In Grand Prismatic spring, and others of similar character, the orange color is due to pigmented bacteria of the microbial mats, and the blue color to refracted skylight. The principal pigment for photosynthesis is chlorophyll, which is green. However, chlorophyll is sometimes masked by carotenoids, pigments related to vitamin A, which are orange, yellow, or red. Carotenoids protect the cells from the bright sunlight that occurs in Yellowstone, especially during the summer.
The color of a mat depends principally upon the ratio of chlorophyll to carotenoids. In the summer the chlorophyll content is often low, so that the microbial mats appear orange, red, or yellow. In the winter, the mats are usually dark green, because at this time of year the sunlight is subdued and chlorophyll dominates over carotenoids. In fact, even a few cloudy days in mid-summer can lead to an increase in chlorophyll and a darkening of the mats.
Thus, it is not just the kinds of bacteria but the response they make to sunlight that determines the colors.
3 weeks
actually, i really don't want to go back to kaohsiung
i just want to go home.... however, i still have one year to stay in Kaohsiug...
i hate to think of that...
now i have to hold the last 3 weeks to go out with some friends that i like
but havn't been out with
yesterday i went out with an old couple, Pat and Bill
they are so cute and they like to walk
so i really enjoy the day with them
it's my first time to go out with them^^
and next Thursday, i will go out with Anne
she is an old lady too, but she is funny and genuie
and she teaches me some Spanish!!! that's funny~~
mother told me that it's not good to depend on "feeling" to choose friends
but for me, that's the only way to choose friends
if one is naive and genuie, i would feel comfortable to get along with them
anyway, i will not be sad when i leave here
New Room
there are more empty rooms now
my roommate decides to move out to have her own room
so... i have my own room now~~
there's not bad, i have to learn to live by myself
i add a rug and a bed light to my room
it looks more warm now ^^
and i think i like to live alone for there are not very good friends here...
still busy everyday, but now i know how to use my break time everyday
i don't always need to be with my friend now
anyway, i think i am really hard to make friends any where
2007年8月23日 星期四
but my two important working partners are both not here...
it makes the specific day is as usual as the others...
i saw them off yesterday and today....
i am really sad... for i really enjoy working with them
the first one is my gift department leader, Nona
she is and old lady, who has really beautiful blue eyes and brilliant smile
she is humorous and elegant, i like her so much...
but out of some reasons, she and his husband quit the job here and go home much earlier
i havent go out with them yet!!!
and i just get the chance to go out with here this week for we finally have the same day-off
but it still to late...
the second one is the guy i work with at confession
his name Brian, and he comes from Hong Kong
who studies law and 3 years younger than me
but i think he is much maturer than me....
he is funny and has good attitude toward his job
he knows and tries to make good coffee, ice cream, and beautiful sundae
he knows in what situation the coffee will become bitter or light....
and he always say hello loudly to those old men who work here
i think he makes those seniors' heart warm and younger
this is the reason why i like to work with him than other Taiwanese girls here...
girls always think about the money (ex. how to make more tips, or argue why some customers dont give tips, or try to get more hours...)
but not try to understand more about those coffee and ice cream
or try to say hello to those old men surrounding us....
i am so tired about this talking topics.... so tired....
thus, Brian is really a good partner to me.
i am sad to see them get away from me...
although i know that we just meet for a temperate period
although i know that i can never keep anyone beside me
my mood still be effected by the departure
but... why in this situation.... i cann't cry??
i should cry.... for them...
for the voice i may not hear or the smile i may not see again...
thank you both for coming into my life
2007年8月19日 星期日
just slept for one and half hour, i was awake by a nightmare
it's the second time that i dreamed about the death of my family....
it was terrible, i cried out badly...
in this week, my roommate work at late shift, so she sleep very late
i always sleep at 12:00, but when she comes in the room
i am always awake by the voice of their talking voice, the light, the sound made by the door....
i really sleep badly this weed..god...
it might be one of the reason which result in my unstable mood lately
2007年8月18日 星期六
my job
it's boring, but i can touch all the kinds of gifts here
most of them are mugs, cups, key chains, stuffed animals
at August, i was transfered to confession
i scoop ice cream, sundae, make coffee( the coffee are made by coffee machine ), or be a cachier there.
accutually, it's much fun here, for i have to face many customers everyday
besides, i love to make mocha and sundae!!!
i try to make these two kinds of food beautiful, but i haven't very successful yet....
i guess i am successful making the sundae look nice
however, i never eat the sundae before, not sure how to make it delicious...
and the mocha
the only thing i can contral is the volume of the chocolate syrup and the shape of the whipped cream on the top
until now, i still cann't make the cream beautiful, and precisely control the volume of chocolate syrup....but i try everyday (and drink mocha everyday XD) hope i can be good one day...
one of my co-worker is a boy from Hong Kong, who has been working at confession for two months
to be honest, it's much better to work with him than other girls...
at least, he make me feel relax.... but he will leave here on Thursday
i guess the confession will become less funny after he leaves.... so sad
one may be okay to get along with while in daily life
but he/she may give you quite different feelings when you work with them...
for exmaple, i really hate people always tell mewhat to do when i am working
i know what's my duty
but their giggling really made feel unhappy!!
girls seem much easier to become nervous
for example, when the customer line becomes long
those girls quick talking pace really drives me crazy
why cann't they take easy??
i have my own working tempo, don't interrupt me with your own thoughts!!
sometimes i really with i am a man
then i may be able to put up with those girls....
2007年8月9日 星期四
today is my first time to listen him play the piano.... it's so good...
i reeeeally wish i can do that
besides, i really enjoy listening people play the piano!!!
the feeling is so great!!!
the guy is an interesting, funny boy
i can't image such a guy can play beautiful melody
however, his press on the piano is really tough
anyway, i am so happy that there's someone can play piano here^^
they are preparing some music for the Christmas here (8/24)
i wish i can join them, it will be great!!
and during the past two years
i really happy a-fan is here so that i can always hear beautiful music
when can i have time to concentrate on learning piano and cello.....
i wish i can swiz time out...
2007年7月31日 星期二
這幾天開始查機票了,有種想多玩幾天的衝動。Sylvia的旅遊書加上今天意外發現一本專門介紹旅遊的書,裡頭介紹地更詳細,讓我看到更美的舊金山> <,更讓我確定要住在Fishermen’s Wharf的青年旅館了,因為附近很多可愛的店、還有博物館和巧克力專賣店喔!哇塞,超讚的,而且從書上的照片看來Fishermen’s Wharf附近真的很多景點,而且又在碼頭邊,可以看海、看船,就像在中山一樣。 決定要飛去找你了,所以應該會花光在黃石賺的錢和叔叔給的旅費吧> <,除去機票+Amtrak+住宿這三筆省不下來的昂貴費用,其它的錢大概會奉獻在舊金山的商店和博物館美術館的入門費了。
舊金山實在太可愛了,越看越愛,而且書上還說39號碼頭可以看到一大堆海獅耶,哈哈,超妙的。另外,書上還說,九月是舊金山的交響樂季、爵士樂季、和歌劇季,所以要先上網查一下它們的表演行程,如果不貴就可以去聽聽哩!另外,書上說在Berkeley可以看到街頭藝人表演,Fishermen’s Wharf那裡也會有,超級期待,說不定有大提琴和爵士樂喔^///////////////////////^
其中最期待的,是舊金山39號碼頭的一個店:Lark in the Morning,裡頭有來自各地的樂器,要留一筆錢來買一個古董樂器回家,哈哈,說不定得多買一個行李箱才能把紀念品帶回家。
July 14, 2007 深夜
今天逛了Xentara gift shop裡的書,書裡有很多精美照片,內容方面,有的偏介紹和歷史、有的偏圖片,但都不便宜,但Sylvia和其他兩個人都覺得該買書回去當紀念,出手真是不留情。我看上一本很美的書,書皮封面上下兩條橫幅,是淡淡的灰色,中間是一群狼的照片,畫面看起來很寧靜,有下雪天的味道。
- 8月開始是Hiking最好的時間,而且山上的野花大多在此時全部綻放
- 7、8月一般是晚上9:30開始天黑(但10:00左右才會全黑)
- 詢問Ranger Adventure Hikes的行程,是需要費用的,在Old Faithful和Mammoth兩個地方是固定每早8:00都有行程。
- 其它忘了…..
2007年7月30日 星期一
大家最近聊天的話題,不是工作,就是別人的八卦。大家都想做賺錢的工作,所以都想換工作,加上最近Columbia人又會斷續離開,所以大家都不斷地去跟supervisor表明想換工作的想法,當然,不是大家都能成功的,像我和Sylvia這種是在部門裡唯一的年輕人,能被調到其他部門的機率應該是維乎其維,anyway,我覺得Nona(gift department supervisor )的確很需要我,如果我真的不能調走,那就要努力爭取overtime job了,只要能多賺錢做什麼都行,至於英文會不會進步我不抱太大希望了,哈哈,以目前處於後勤人員的狀況來看,英文想進步,只能靠自己多找美國人聊天了。
另一件事,讓我有點不高興。吃完晚飯回來,我和Patty繼續奮戰昨天拼到一半的拼圖,陸陸續續,Jason和其他香港人也來了,香港人是來泡麵的;接著,MaryJo來了,Jason和香港人就開始跟她抱怨這裡的meal有多難吃,害他們得每晚吃泡麵之類的,他們講地很生氣,還說要找一天大家集體在EDR(employee dining room)吃泡麵,抗議食物難吃。
AM3:00, July 30, 2003, Donna2007年7月16日 星期一
2007年7月12日 星期四
工作時間配合黃石公園的開放時間: 4月~10月
因為8月開始, 黃石會下雪, 道路會結冰, 開車很危險
同時, 也因為8月開始降雪, 所以8/25時會有一個聖誕節!!!
一個房間兩個人, 木頭很輕, 所以隔音很差
總是能聽到隔壁房間的談話聲, 這就是隔牆有耳吧XD
浴室是大家共用的, 一個restroom只有三間浴室
而且門是毛玻璃的, 也就是很透明~/////////~
這裡有一點, 跟我去Italy時一樣
就是我們喝的水, 都是直接從水龍頭裝的!!!
能洗水也能喝的水...味道有點生, 不過可以調溫度
也不曉得乾不乾淨, 但也只能這樣喝@@
在這裡, 每天都有牛奶喝, 讓人很開心^^
這裡的餐, 大部分都很鹹或很甜
但有時候正餐會很難吃> <
(對我們這些外國人來說, 當然大部分的食物都不太好吃啦)
這裡幾乎餐餐都是肉, 要吃蔬菜就得吃沙拉!!
這個星期主廚煮了兩次「飯】, 口感很不一樣
飯粒鬆鬆的, 沒有彈性, 但還可以下嚥
第一次煮的真的不好吃, 但今天煮的真的不賴
白飯加一般快炒, 裡頭有紅椒, 深色花椰菜, 紅蘿蔔, 彎豆, 雞肉, 山藥?
總之, 煮起來很好吃, 真的有台灣的味道, 而且醬汁也不錯
基本上, 大概只有早餐比較沒什麼問題
2007年7月7日 星期六
這次的出國, 真是驚動了家裡的人...
本來想靜靜地出國, 所以沒有告知太多朋友這個消息...
但後來, 連姑姑和叔叔都知道了= ="
出國前那幾個星期, 姑姑不斷地打電話來叮嚀我要注意的事情
出發當天接我到機場, 並幫我準備了一些物品... 真的很感動...
這次的出國, 讓我重新體認到親情的重要性...
很深很深地體認... 像從迷霧中找到了出路
不顧父母有不穩定收入的困境, 還是決定出國
他們很尊重我的決定, 讓我覺得更不安
我只知道, 回國以後, 一定要認真地面對自己的未來
不可以再逃避, 要學著自己去承擔, 面對
時間過得好快, 這是妳在美國的最後一年
去妳那裡坐巴士要4~5天, 坐地鐵好像是兩天多
本來聽到妳要回國, 打算取消此旅行
但後來想想, 還是想離開台灣, 想換個環境生活
到一個沒有人知道 my history 的地方, re-start
所以, 還是決定回到計畫裡了
到底能不能去找妳, 我現在也不知道了
不想太打擾妳... 加上車錢又是個問題~"~
第一天上工-late sheet
結果我比預定日期晚一天開始工作, 即7/4美國獨立紀念日
我被分到gift store, 一開始從stocker做起
就是補齊架上的貨, 把商品排整齊, 保持架上neat
第一天工作還蠻忙的, 要補的貨不少, 還要在倉庫裡找要補的貨
一開始不熟, 所以花的時間比較多
這裡的gift很多種, 不過大多是made in China
但也有很多其他國家製造的, 嗯... 也有made in Taiwan XD
室友Sylvia說, 她絕對不要買made in Taiwan的回去~哈
不過made in USA的東西真是貴, 我想我不會買吧...
另外, 這裡的 souvinire也很精緻, 希望我不要太衝動了
這裡的出國, 真是驚動了家裡的人...
媽媽幫了很多忙, 我實在太散了, 很多事明明很急, 但都慢慢在處理
多缺了老媽才能在6月還訂得到馬航到LA的機票...呼, 不然機票就要破5萬了
另外, 姑姑和叔叔也很關心, 姑姑不斷地打電話來給我出國相關的叮嚀
因為要一起踏上未知的美國之旅, 這種狀況立刻把大家的心連在一起
馬航直飛LA, 只花了半天的時間
在機場check-in的時候, 因為經濟艙位子都滿了
在那裡, 一個人的位子就像統聯車子裡的位子一樣大
但更舒服, 因為椅子的每個部位都可以調整角度
在下飛機的時候, 一個空服員還送我一套盥洗用品
12:30左右到達LA機場, 預定趕15:30的灰狗到Bozeman
其中有兩個晚上還是在Las Vegas和Butt的灰狗站渡過的...= =
折騰了兩天半才到了Bozeman (本來應該是29hr)
還好有找到地方住, 大家終於可以好好洗澡吃飯睡覺了!!!
我大概太累了, 一洗完澡就睡死了
直到其他人要睡了我才醒來"工作" XD
July 3, 2007
他們先帶我們去做drug test, 辦SSN, 銀行開戶
然後就正式進入Yellowstone了 (from West Yellowstone Entrance)